Friday, July 24, 2009

A GREAT day in Milan

WEll, it is 3:30pm Charlotte time and we are about to go to sleep - for the second time today!  We arrived Milan safe and sound at 6:15 am and boarded a taxi that took us straight to our Hotel.  Arrived at the Hotel around 7:30 am and were hoping and praying that we would be able to get into our room - which, after about 30 minutes at the desk and figuring out passports - we had two rooms ready!  Yet - another blessing on this trip!  We dropped our bags and hit the streets of Milan!  GREAT day - touring - some of us (Catherine and Blakely) took 'cat naps' on the tour bus :)  Exhausted, we came back to our hotel room around noon and took a 5 hour nap!  Ford woke up and thought it was the next day!  He could not understand the JET LAG!  Boy are we all experiencing that!  Taylor this morning (6:30 am) asked 'Can we go have dinner now?'  We got ourselves pulled back together around 6 pm and set out for the evening.  Had a great dinner at  Ristorante Maruzella Pizzeria - Great local pizza/pasta joint!  Going to bed now!  Will update again soon...Blessings and love to all.

You can view our pictures at

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I must have commented on your other blog! Check that too! Oh wow----the jet lag! It is the worst! I remember the last time we were in Europe I was so tired---- I said to the girls,"Why did we ever want to come on this trip?" I will keep up with you everyday just like I keep up with my girls at camp! I'll print your stuff and send it to AB, C and Mary Wade too! Have a blast and angels go with you! Love and miss you! Susan
